Under Construction

So I thoroughly enjoy blogging. I love writing. I love getting everything in this crazy head out and in paper. Everyday it feels like a constant iphone sign with “Not enough memory.” We are currently living in Tampa. Last week we had the scare of our lives thinking Irma was going to hit us head on at a CAT 5. A WEEK of anxiety to get a CAT 2. I mean I’m glad we didn’t get hit but my wallet was hit with that CAT 5. Not only did I have to spend an absurd amount on food and supplies but my leasing company went and charged me a late fee of almost 200.00.

My anxiety is at an all time high and with no insurance I want to channel all my energy in this blog. I am dedicating at least 20 min to learning a little more on how to use word press. I hope to make more interweb friends on here. And learn to let go easier.


How Things Have Changed

Hello all from the lighting capital of the world TAMPA, FLORIDA. Get ready because we are trying to. Hubby and I are relocated to Florida. Never would I have thought we would be here. But look at this how life throws us changes. Either we take them or sit still waiting for things to just happen. We moved in the matter of about three weeks and it has been one hell of a ride!

From Rags to Minimalist


So I have been on the road of self discovery for some time now but its finally settling in. I’ve recently  found the life of Minimalism. I was able to give away about 3 bags of clothes but it is over whelming. Honestly it was so hard to start. Between my boyfriend and I we had clothes all over. It was so overwhelming I constantly found myself sitting on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands.

The three bags were just mine and they are gallon size garbage bags. We are taking the bags to Platos Closet so maybe I can be happier with the process. As the clothes piles were getting smaller I found it harder and harder to give things up. But at the same time I also noticed how much of the clothes were so cheaply made. I noticed I had more cheap, broken clothes than quality clothes.

I went online to research how much quality clothes cost and I almost had a heartache. Between having my heart hurt from getting rid of clothes to seeing how much money quality clothes cost I had about two panic attacks. I started to realize why I had such a problem with minimalism.

I grew up poor. My parents were very young and we had struggled for everything we have. As soon as I started to get “adult money” I started to buy to replace all the wants I ever wanted as a child. Its hard to say out loud or write it down but its the truth. This is something I have to put my focus on now. I have to realize that it is ok and BETTER to spend 90.00 on a pair of Levi jeans if they last me 3 years than to buy 9 pairs of 10 dollar jeans that will last me 3 months.

This is a hard road of self discovery but I’ve been on it for nearly 4 years and its the best and ONLY thing I’ve whole heartedly stuck to and its made me happy. Every year I get better. I can feel it. My heart just keeps growing with love and letting go of anger, hate, anxiety, and revenge.

I really do love me and this smile is genuine. If theres any minimalist out there that can send me any brand advice I would love to hear it! xO

Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve always been on a hunt. I don’t ever exactly know what I’m looking for but I am always looking. I’ve been called different names a wanderlust, a searcher, ADD, ADHD, spoiled, restless. All different names but it’s not my fault. I am looking for happiness. I find it for a short time but then it doesn’t make me happy anymore and I’m on to the next thing.

I moved to Indiana by myself when I was 22 with 100.00 to my name. I made it and loved it but eventually moved back home because I missed my family. I am starting to realize that THINGS do not make me happy. What truly makes me happy are adventures, hard times, good times, all memories, people, myself and love.

This brings me to always search and learn. New locations, lifestyles, mantras, hobbies, and skills. Recently I started to research what is Minimalism and I am glad I did. Although this has been about a month of research I am feeling better even just THINKING about living my life as a Minimalist. I recently found a documentary on Netflix and had the hubby watch. Even though I appreciate this lifestyle I need to introduce it to him slowly, he’s not one for radical change. I can not wait to get rid of all the bins of clothes and shoes!

We will be living in South Carolina within two years and we will live our dream life. Hubby and I have went over it hundreds of times and I’m so happy to say that we are both on the same page. I can not picture myself living in this rat race any longer. I want to make my family and myself happy. The Law of Attraction works and I just need to really start focusing on my happiness. I will no longer let any negativity in my circle.

Life is good but it can always be better. I’m not sure what being an adult is but I know what I am going to make it. Hopefully just don’t lose my mind on the pursuit of it.